The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

I'm broke but I have a nice car
On average, Canadians are financing 95 cents of every dollar spent on a new car. Worse, they're increasingly spreading their car loans out over six or seven years. Read here for more on the questionable financial decisions people are making when buying new vehicles.

Canada's jobs problem
Parents and young adults, check out this infographic on where the jobs are in today's economy.

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It accompanies this Maclean's article on Canada's "skills mismatch problem," a term that refers to the fact that there are job openings today, but too many people don't have the skills required to fill them.

Avoid these post-secondary degrees if you want a financially rewarding career.

Your budget briefing
Canadian Business and Maclean's teamed up to produce this guide to Thursday's federal budget.

More money
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