The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Cool kids say Apple is done
As Apple shares show signs of weakening, new research shows teens associate the brand with their parents. In other words, Apple's cool factor is at risk.

Introducing the four-door fridge
Consumer Reports describes the latest in fridge technology - a new four-door model with a "triple cooling system." Our one-door fridge at home sinks even further into obsolescence.

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Real estate bubbles yet to pop
Americans have worked through the popping of their real estate bubble, and it's been ugly. This blog post points out that other cities have yet to do so, including Toronto and Vancouver.

Investing in your 20s
Investment advice for Gen Y.

The best of Globe Investor
Globe Investor is highlighting some of the best features of our website with a feature called Globe Investor Tips.