The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

My retirement fund? I'm living in it
Can you count on your house to fund your retirement? Actuary Malcolm Hamilton says the answer is no in this video, and he also cautions people against viewing their homes as an investment.

Apple gets sliced
The iPhone 5 has broken sales record for Apple products, but the company's shares are down sharply since the introduction. Be careful with this stock.

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Wall Street's worst nightmare
Dan Solin, a tough critic of the U.S. investment industry and author of several best-selling investment books, has put together a sizzle reel showing how a "responsible" TV show about investing would look. Don't expect the usual barrage of stock tips.

Retiring on a low income
Advice for low-income Canadians on how to maximize Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits, when to contribute to RRSPs and how best to take CPP benefits.

More money
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