The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Taking a pass on home ownership
Will the student debts taken on by members of Generation Y combine with a weak job market to make them "career renters?" Some thoughts here from the American experience, which could well be a trendsetter for Canada.

Would you ______ for money?
A blogger muses about the crazy things people do to earn a living.

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The dinosaur on my desk
This article on how tablets are poised to start outselling PCs caught my eye at a time when I'm considering replacing the tired, slower-by-day computer we've had at home for at least the past four years.

Intel is planning to bring a tablet costing less than $100 (U.S.) to market by Christmas. Will consumers accept a cheap, "good enough" product?

More money
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