The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

The wedding industry will hate this
A mother thanks her daughter for having a "barbecue wedding" - no catered meal, no fancy dresses or venue and a lot less money.

The stock market risk alarm is flashing
U.S. money manager John Hussman has assessed the relationship of risk and reward in the U.S. stock market and come up with one of his most negative readings ever.

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A how-to for hagglers
Tips on getting comfortable with haggling over the price of goods and services. It's uncomfortable at first, but serious savings are possible.

Fiscal cliff 101
A primer on the U.S. fiscal cliff, which is a term that describes a draconian deficit-fighting package of tax increases and spending cuts set to take effect in January unless politicians can agree on a compromise approach.

Here's another fiscal cliff primer, this one from the New York Times.

More money
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