The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Don't ever say this to your spouse about money
Four tips about talking to your partner about financial matters. The thing you should never say: "I went through the credit card statements and can't believe you spend so much on stuff we don't even need!"

Beware high yield bonds
Another in a long series of warnings that bonds issued by financially weak companies are vulnerable to a decline in value after a huge run-up in recent years. The attraction for investors is higher yields than government or higher quality corporate bonds.

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Moats and magic caves
Ridiculous and expensive amenities that celebrities have added to their homes.

Hamburger smackdown
A $65 (U.S.) burger sold by a glitzy Miami resto-lounge goes up against fast food chain Shake Shack. Guess who wins.

More money
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