The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

'Retired husband syndrome' causes stress at home
This article from The Telegraph in the UK discusses the strain on marriages that can occur when men retire and spend more time at home.

How to invest so you can retire early
As chronicled in this Globe and Mail story from 2009, Ross Grant semi-retired in his mid-40s.

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Now, he has written an e-book called Destination: Early Financial Independence. Gail Beebee, an investing author herself, gave the book a five-star review.

How to buy and sell a home at the same time
Tips for the move-up buyer, who must manage two transactions at the same time.

All about the cost of shaving
Women pay more for razors and shaving cream than men. Read here to find out if there's any difference to justify the cost differential.

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