The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Being rich is as good as it gets, billionaire says
Mark Cuban, billionaire sports team owner, scoffs at wealthy people who complain about the hassles of being rich.

Beware the rent-to-own ripoff
Cash-strapped Canadians are paying exorbitant prices to buy electronics and other products through rent-to-own arrangements, CBC reports.

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Seven simple things most investors don't do
This is the stuff you should be focusing on as an investor, not how much your portfolio went up or down last week.

Infomercial guy takes on Wall Street
Motivational guru Tony Robbins turns his attention to making investors more successful in a new book called Money: Master the Game. Robbins takes a dim view of much of what the mainstream investing industry has to offer.

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