The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

So much for my thinking on renting vs buying
I've written a lot of columns urging people to rent a home if they cannot truly afford to buy. A clear exception would be this $500,000 (U.S.) per month apartment in, where else, New York.

Searching the world for solutions to high house prices
How do you solve the problem of housing that's too expensive for many people? Check out this slideshow of ideas from around the world.

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Stop beating yourself up for moving back in with your parents
A relationship expert says it's time to adjust to the "new normal" and stop making a big deal of young adults moving back home.

Tax tips for parents
For new parents, for people who have had a child come to live with them and for new Canadians with kids.

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