The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Mean girls in the retirement home
A New York Times story about a 97-year-old woman who moved into an independent living facility and found it hard to break into the social cliques. High school revisited, in other words.

Why you overpay for financial advice
This Motley Fool article says it's because people tend to dismiss the small differences in costs, even though they can add up to significant amounts over time.

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Why you should never pay your life insurance bill monthly
It costs a lot more to pay that way instead of annually, it says here.

Police close in on Vancouver rental scam
Tens of thousands have been lost in a scam where people are offered a discount on a luxury rental if they pay six months of rent upfront. The listings turn out to be fake.

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