The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Check out this house porn
It's all very tasteful – a tour of early 20th century architectural styles in Toronto. I assume other cities have similar styles.

Location, location, location
You won't find much content in this blog that originates from financial companies – their prime directive is to sell product, not make you savvier about money. However, this interactive tool from Royal Bank of Canada and a thinktank called the Pembina Institute is pretty cool. It uses the Toronto market to show how transportation costs should figure in your choice of where to live in a city.

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House hopping will keep you broke
All about the financial cost of moving up to bigger, better houses.

How to lower home insurance costs
A look at 16 factors that insurers consider when setting premiums on home prices.

More Money
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