The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Where to make money in today's markets
Economist David Rosenberg talks about where the investment opportunities are in today's rough market conditions. He likes corporate and high yield bonds, and he refutes the view being heard increasingly that dividend stocks and real estate investment trusts are too expensive right now.

Ruminations on retirement
The blogger at explains why he reversed his previous line of thinking about The Canada Pension Plan and started drawing benefits at age 65 rather than waiting to 70. Basically, he's concerned that in waiting he could be victimized by future changes to the plan.

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Five misconceptions people have about retiring.

Some of the big unknowns in planning how much money you'll need to retire are, first, the investment return on your savings and, second, how much you'll spend once you're out of the workforce. Here's a look at some of the key spending variables the average retiree faces.

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