Change time period:

The default is a six month line chart and volume chart. At the bottom of the chart you have the option of changing the chart display period range just by clicking on the range you want to view. The 1-day and 5-day charts are intra-day, while all the others are daily price charts, except where indicate as w = weekly, m = monthly and the max chart period.

Compare with:

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You can compare the security you are interested in with any other two securities by using the compare with feature on the right hand side rail. Go to either box, and just start typing in the name or symbol of the security and a list will pop up to make it easy for you to find the one you want. Pick any security you want by clicking on it or hit the Enter key. To compare to a second security just repeat in the second box. Compare with only works with a line chart style.

If you want to compare with an index just click on the check box and the default index which appears in the drop down box will be charted as a comparison. You can change the comparison index by simply clicking on the drop down arrow and selecting the index you want.


You can remove the volume indicator by clicking on the check box and removing the check. It in can be displayed again by re-clicking the check box.

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You can easy overlay one or two simple moving average lines by selecting in the drop downs the number of periods you want the moving average to be based on. A simple moving average is simply average closing price of the security for the past xx trading periods (minutes/hours/days/weeks/months, based on the selected period frequency) divided by xx.


Use these quick and easy click circles to change the style of line you want to view on the chart. Compare with only works with a line chart.

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The Line Chart plots the intraday, daily, weekly or monthly closing prices for each security, based on the selected Frequency.

The High-Low-Close Chart shows the highest, lowest and closing price for the security or index based on the selected frequency (daily, weekly or monthly).

The Open-High-Low-Close Chart shows the open, highest, lowest and closing price for the security or index based on the selected frequency (daily, weekly or monthly).

The Candlestick Chart is a style of bar-chart used primarily to describe price movements of a security over time. It is a combination of a line-chart and a bar-chart, in that each bar represents the range of price movement over a given time interval. Candlesticks are composed of the body, and an upper and a lower shadow (wick). The wick illustrates the highest and lowest traded prices of a security during the time interval represented. The body illustrates the opening and closing trades. If the security closed higher than it opened, the body is white or unfilled, with the opening price at the bottom of the body and the closing price at the top. If the security closed lower than it opened, the body is filled in, with the opening price at the top and the closing price at the bottom.

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Price History:

At the bottom of the chart tab we display the last thirty days of trading prices for the security being view. Values display are date, high, low, open, close and volume for the given date. The table updates at the close of trading each day. The latest price for the day and trade date are displayed at the top of the table for easy reference.