The Product

Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment

The Promise

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Part of Dermalogica's MediBac Clearing collection to combat adult acne, this newly formulated and more highly concentrated spot treatment targets skin conditions that may trigger pimples or blemishes, concealsthe spot with a neutral iron oxide tint and clears the breakout.

How it works

Upon contact, concentrated sulfur and zinc oxide help clear the skin by eliminating bacteria and clearing the excess oil and congestion in the follicle. Yeast, cinnamon bark extract, caffeine and a host of polysyllabic medical-sounding ingredients purify the area and prevent overactive sebaceous gland activity while soothing any skin aggravation. Finally, salicylic acid sloughs off dead skin cells, helping to prevent future breakouts. The formula contains no artificial fragrance or colour.

How to use it

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Dot onto finger and apply to the blemish. Let stand for five seconds, then pat until blended in. Use until breakout has cleared.

The bottom line

Much like distant relatives on a Sunday morning, chin zits often arrive unannounced and at the most inopportune moments. Usually precipitated by my old friend Stress and exacerbated by that backstabbing jerk Androgen, my unwanted guests stick around for a couple of days and generally make me cranky and irritable. (See above re: relatives.) Dermalogica's Concealing Spot Treatment, however, allows me to show those chin zits the door, while cleaning up any mess they may have been left behind. A satisfyingly medicinal scent and adequate coverage means me and my chin can be blissfully free of unwanted visitors. Relatives, are you listening?

$45 at select salons nationwide (see for locations).