The question

I love bright red or fuchsia lips. Can anyone wear this look?

The answer

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The colour-theory rule is that fuchsia, being pink-hued, is best suited to those with cooler skin tones. I, however, have what is considered a warm skin tone and have received more kudos during nights out for my dark-fuchsia matte lips than for any other shade of lipstick that the rules say is "more complementary." So clearly there are limits to how closely we should follow the rules.

We are in a period of experimentation right now in beauty as well as in fashion. I say wear what you want, whether it is fuchsia or raspberry red, which is slightly cooler and on trend for spring/summer this year. Joe Fresh makes a perfect matte lipstick in Raspberry for $6.

Step outside your comfort zone and be brave. If it's really that bad, guess what? You can take it off. It's just makeup.

Bahar Niramwalla is a celebrity makeup artist and beauty expert who has appeared on CTV, Global TV and City. Follow her on Twitter: @baharniramwalla. Have a beauty question? E-mail