The question

I've been seeing a lot of 'sculpting fibre' mascaras that promise to deliver the look of false lashes without the mess. What do you think about these and how do they work?

The answer

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Here's the lowdown on fibre mascaras: They contain a high amount of nylon, silk or rayon microfibres that attach onto your lashes, giving you that longer, fuller look. Some come mixed directly into your mascara; others are separate and need to go on in layers in between coats of mascara. The upside is that they do create length and volume superior to that of a regular mascara. If you have sensitive eyes or wear contacts, however, these same fibres can fall into your eyes and create a mess of issues.

If you don't want to go through gluing on falsies, give one of the more affordable fibre mascaras a try, I say. I recommend Maybelline's Illegal Lengths Fibre Extension Mascara. At $9.99, it's a steal, considering that it has a great non-flaking formulation and the results are pretty close to that of a doll's eyelashes.

Bahar Niramwalla is a celebrity makeup artist and beauty expert who has appeared on The Marilyn Denis Show on CTV. Have a beauty question? E-mail