The question

I am 42 and, for some reason, have started getting acne again. It's embarrassing! My friend says that the cause could be my new anti-aging cream. Is that possible?

The answer

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It is possible that your anti-aging cream contains something that might be causing a few spots, but a full attack of acne? That's not as likely as some of the other, more common causes of adult acne, such as hormones, stress or an increase in resistant bacteria.

Nonetheless, check your anti-aging cream's ingredient list; you're likely to find retinols, AHAs, sunscreens and antioxidants, some of which can be heavy on the oil in order to hydrate the skin quickly, plump out wrinkles and smooth the skin's surface. If your cream is oily, it could be contributing to your breakouts. Try cutting down on the amount of cream you use and add in a small amount of benzoyl peroxide to your skin-care routine.

Bahar Niramwalla is a celebrity makeup artist and beauty specialist on The Marilyn Denis Show on CTV. Have a beauty question? E-mail