@copywriter_meets–camera: Whenever I make bread, it comes out more suitable for building houses than making sandwiches! Why is it so dense, burnt on the outside and gooey in the middle?

Jamie Oliver: Bless you, it sounds as if your oven is too hot. For your average loaf, 350 F is a pretty good temperature, but this will vary depending on the type of bread you're making, its thickness and density. The other thing that might be giving dense results is if you have old, stale yeast, not enough yeast or the dough hasn't had enough time to prove. Check out my basic bread recipe on jamieoliver.com, which is really reliable and also can be flavoured, folded and turned into many kinds of loaves.

Have a question for Jamie Oliver? Email jamie@globeandmail.com or tweet @GlobeStyle with the hashtag #jamieatglobe.