Hanukkah is very early this year, starting on Dec. 6, and this is my twisted take on latkes with sour cream and applesauce for a festive party.

The versatile celeriac, or celery root, is an under-utilized root vegetable. It has a gnarly, knobby look that is not very appealing, but its taste – like mild celery with a slight nuttiness – and texture are unbeatable in many dishes. (Just be sure, when cooking with it, to cut all of the tough skin off.)

Latkes are usually made with potatoes but I find the celeriac version has more flavour, a better texture and is lower in both calories and carbs. No more guilty feelings about eating 10 of them. And I made these with celeriac and rutabaga for some added sweetness, but all celeriac is just fine.

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For the gluten-free eater, I also tested it with chickpea flour: It was a little more fragile but still had loads of taste. The apple mixture pairs well with both versions, and works well as a condiment for roast chicken and duck.

These are also the perfect appetizer for any party over the holiday season. Just make the latkes smaller. Reheat in 350 F oven for 10 minutes when needed.