"Cartography now seems like a lost art in an age of digitally enhanced satellite imagery," says designer Evan Bare, who recently did his part to bring the art of the map back into the public eye with a series of historic Greater Toronto Area maps. The story began when he and his wife found a York County Atlas dating back to 1878 in his parents' basement – a rare find, considering only 26 were made. "We thought the illustrations were beautiful and could have mass appeal within the GTA," he says. "I love the attention to detail and precise nature of these handmade illustrations." The duo had the maps professionally shot at high resolution then digitally restored them one by one before printing them on heavyweight parchment paper. "It was easy, with a few light tweaks, to turn something very old into something that appears contemporary. It's a testament to the original illustrators and the integrity of their work." Etobicoke and Scarborough were recently launched, and Newmarket, Stouffville and Aurora are up next. – From $35, through www.yorkcountyatlas.ca.