There are times when you need to work closely with other people and times when you need to work alone. So long as you give it some thought and make the right choices at the right time the next 12 months will be profitable in every possible way.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):

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You have to get tough with someone who is increasingly taking you for granted. Stay calm and don't raise your voice, but let them know in no uncertain terms if they can't mend their ways then your friendship is over.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):

This weekend's full moon takes place in your sign, which means among other things that your emotions cannot be trusted. In which case you should keep your more negative thoughts to yourself, at least for the time being.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):

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You like to win and more often than not you do. But over the next two or three days you should make it your aim to help other people win their battles as well. You don't have to be number one all the time you know.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23):

Gut feelings mean a lot and if you have to choose between two completely different points of view this weekend you should choose the one your instincts prefer. Even if you get it wrong, the results should not be too painful.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):

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Don't pretend you have all the answers when in reality you don't even know what is going on. You may be good at bluffing, but if you take it too far someone will find you out and then make sure everyone knows. Embarrassing!

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):

You may not care if others disapprove of your ideas and actions, but this weekend's full moon warns you should at least pretend you care. The last thing you need now is to give your opponents more reasons to attack you.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):

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You seem to doubt that you have what it takes to succeed – when by every indicator you are clearly succeeding already. You need to get over your negative outlook. Start seeing yourself the way other people see you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):

The more others tell you that what you are doing is wrong the more certain you can be that it is right. In fact all this weekend you should take what they say and do the exact opposite. You're the one who will come out ahead.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):

If you are smart you will leave things just as they are this weekend. Change isn't always the best thing to aim for and the planets indicate strongly that the details of your daily routine should be left as they are for now.

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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):

This weekend's full moon cuts across the most artistic axis of your chart, so most likely you will be forced to choose between two quite different expressions of creativity. Choose one and stick with it – no chopping and changing.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):

If you have made a promise of some sort you must live up to it, even if it means you lose out financially. If you let someone down the news will travel fast and before you know it no one will trust you, and that's bad.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):

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You may be getting itchy feet (again), but you would be wise to let loved ones and work colleagues know what you are up to before you zip off on your latest quest. It's good politics and, yes, it's good manners too.

Visit Sally at www.sallybrompton.com

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