ARIES: March 21 - April 20

With the celestial focus on travel and your immediate environment, a change of scenery is likely this year. However, not everything will go as planned in June and September because unpredictable Uranus in Aries is at odds with obsessive Pluto. It's not critically important, since you have enough going just now to carry you safely through to the next phase of your overall grand plan – with a few inevitable nips and tucks. Even if family members become overly demanding in late July, it won't be anything you can't handle. Listen to what others have to say – there is much to learn just now.

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

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Your ruler Venus's rare transit of the sun in June falls in the money angle of your chart and it would be surprising if it fails to trigger a change in your circumstances. Just remember that principles are more important than material aspirations and, once compromised, much harder to re-establish. It seems that a past ally can no longer be relied upon, and you may have to seek alternative support. But with both creative Venus and lucky Jupiter moving in your favour, you do have the chance to make serious money. Focus on what really matters and you'll be more likely to emerge with your credibility and resources intact.

GEMINI: May 22 - June 21

This really is your year. Not only does the once-in-a-lifetime Venus transit fall in your sign but Jupiter, planet of success and enlightenment, also begins a 13-month stay in Gemini. Their combined influence will help you to recognize without a shadow of doubt where your future lies – and chances are it will have little to do with material goals, acquisitions or accomplishments. Your worldview will alter dramatically, as will your priorities. By the time the last of the year's four eclipses falls in your sign on Nov. 28, you will know how to make those changes work, not just for yourself but for the wider community too.

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

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You seldom have time to indulge in too much soul-searching but now, with megaplanetary activity affecting the most sensitive sector of your chart, you can be forgiven for asking the kind of questions that only you can answer. In fact, you're likely to learn more than most – if only in terms of what makes you tick. However, with Neptune, planet of illusion and confusion, at odds with optimistic Jupiter, you are liable to feel restless, frustrated and dissatisfied with your lot. On the upside, it adds up to a blueprint for progress – even if you have to review carefully laid plans in a more adventurous and enlightened context.

LEO: July 24 - Aug. 23

Despite a disagreement with an authority figure when the sun challenges ambitious Jupiter early in the year, it's the once-in-a-lifetime Venus transit that dominates your 2012 horoscope. For Leos, it could bring a fresh perspective to a group endeavour that has been losing momentum, and encourage you to reassess your ideas, ideals and long-term objectives. June's lunar eclipse across the most creative axis of your chart warns you not to lose sight of a genuine goal in favour of the more eye-catching option. With disciplined Saturn in Scorpio from October you must be aware of everything, overlook that which is irrelevant, and correct that which needs correcting.

VIRGO: Aug. 24 - Sept. 23

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With this year's major cosmic activity highlighting the career angle of your chart, changes to your working life are all but inevitable. Your need to be on the winning side can at times act as a red herring and it is important that your goals are based on more than an urge to score points. Besides, with unpredictable Uranus heavily influencing your horoscope in June and September, you may find yourself heading in a different direction, unless your goals are clearly defined. In the words of George Burns, "It is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate."

LIBRA: Sept. 24 - Oct. 23

You have compromised for long enough, and with this year's historic transit by your creative and romantic ruler Venus occurring in the most adventurous and enlightened sector of your chart, this really is the moment to think seriously about where your heart and happiness lie. If you fail to reach a realistic conclusion by the time of the solar eclipse on May 20, then something that happens in early June will clarify your thoughts and point you in the right direction. It may simply be a need for a change of mindset or priorities, but whether the shift is imposed or intended the eventual outcome will prove life-enhancing.

SCORPIO: Oct. 24 - Nov. 22

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This year's remarkable celestial activity marks a turning point in your affairs, and it is possible that your attitude toward love and/or money will never be quite the same again. Of course, it could simply be a change of heart. But a shift in outlook can be as effective as a shift in direction. Certainly, Jupiter's positive influence will herald a new beginning and enable you to weave together some threads that have been trailing in recent months. However, with unpredictable Uranus squaring up to your ruler Pluto in May and September, you may have to review your plans in light of changing circumstances.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 23 - Dec. 21

Cosmic activity in your opposite sign of Gemini makes this a pivotal year for relationships. And while those that are strong will become stronger, any based on flimsy foundations could founder. Whatever happens, with Venus, planet of harmony, in transit the outcome will work in your favour, even if it doesn't seem that way at the time. Certainly, with Uranus, planet of sudden change, and Pluto, planet of transformation, in conflict, 2012 is unlikely to end as it began. Lunar eclipses in June and November will force a reality check, but bear in mind that while the planets indicate the direction, only you can make things happen.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 22 - Jan. 20

You take your responsibilities seriously – you just wish there weren't so many of them. Now with the planets highlighting your work and well-being, you must accept that before you can contribute to the welfare of others you must contribute to your own, which may mean delegating or dispensing with certain commitments. If you believe everything happens for a reason, it will be easier to accept recent events. If you have yet to discover what that reason might be, you will not have much longer to wait. As Aldous Huxley said: "Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you."

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AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 - Feb. 19

While the effects of this year's cosmic activity will vary according to birth sign, you are particularly fortunate in that it occurs in one of the most positive sectors of your chart. The long-term outcome is especially auspicious for the more creative, artistic and romantic areas of your life. Indeed, any form of self-expression is well starred, and there could even be financial benefits. However, the fact that your unpredictable ruler Uranus is in a challenging mood means that change of one kind or another is unavoidable. As it happens, you have more to gain than lose from what transpires, and to resist will merely prolong the inevitable.

PISCES: Feb. 20 - Mar. 20

Relatives and loved ones can be a mixed blessing – as yours appear to be just now. Fortunately, this year's major cosmic activity falls in the domestic area of your chart, putting you in the happy position of being able to say "enough is enough." The fact is that – deliberately or unconsciously – certain people are looking to you for a lead, and if you fail to provide one they will make do with second best. Events in early June will bring matters to a head and give you a chance to set the situation straight. October's Saturn-Neptune alliance warns that it is better to doubt what is true than accept what clearly is not.

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