The question

My boss, who is half my age and lives at home, has set up a work group chat which includes him and four of my childless peers/co-workers who are all between 26 and 35 years of age. I and one other co-worker are excluded from this group chat. I am not a Luddite. My boss told me ironically that one of his master's courses is "The Use of Technology with Older People in the Work force." I am in my mid-50s, dress well, am not overweight or unattractive, have raised two successful kids, worked in a variety of fields. I try to fit in and am a team player. I feel like simple ageism is at work here. I know diplomacy is needed, but I'm annoyed as hell at being excluded. I have no issues working with ambitious 26-year-olds, but this is a peeve of mine, especially when life is about inclusion. I need advice on how casually to broach the subject.

The answer

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You had me at "my boss … lives at home."

Had me chuckling quietly to myself, that is. I've had young bosses, but they all had their own apartments. I wonder if he goes home and complains to his mother about how hard it is to manage people and be in a position of power – and then that her meatloaf is kind of dry that night.

Let's turn to the technological component of your question in a minute. What you're feeling – excluded from a snobby little clique – is as old as the species itself. We feel it keenly, at various points in our lives.

Woody Allen famously quoted Groucho Marx: "I would never want to join a club that would have me for a member." The corollary is: You do very badly want to join a club or clique that doesn't want you as a member.

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And of course, belonging to this group chat could be a good source of work-related information.

But have you really thought this through? I should admit, somewhere – here – that I've never been part of a group chat. And I know some of them have been very effectively used around the world to promote good causes. A small group of like-minded individuals exchange information about a cause, or an injustice, and can turn into a powerful force for change and good.

But most (I'm told) are largely comprised of frivolous nattering – even if vaguely or speciously connected to work. Like the endless onslaught of e-mails so many people in the workplace get from cc-happy colleagues.

Sounds as though this could be one of those. And I could see that getting tiring quickly. But if you then try to extricate yourself from this chatty little group – well, you risk offending them. (And then your boss will unleash an angry tirade of invective to his mother specifically about you, pounding his fist on the table, spraying meatloaf everywhere.)

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And isn't it better to be ignored than cause offence?

It's also yet another arena in which, if you say the wrong thing, it could end your career – especially since it would be very easy to be lulled into thinking you're in a "safe space" with this little group.

But nothing's safe these days: As with e-mail and Twitter and all those other "platforms," your remarks will be on the record, therefore irrefutable and easily transferrable to a third party: human resources, the police, a lawyer.

Speaking of HR, it does sound like ageism is at work, and you could go to HR to complain. But I wouldn't bother – too murky and difficult to prove. I'm sad you have to talk about how fit and attractive and well-dressed you are, but maybe just let this one go.

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Of course, you could ask nicely to join this group chat, but that could be an awkward conversation. It could also backfire. It sounds as though your boss and his fellow group-chatters went out of their way to exclude you and your colleague. What if they say no?

So, no: Were I you, I would not bother trying to join this group chat. Just be friendly to your young colleagues and boss, old-school-style: i.e., in person, in the physical world – with a friendly remark, a nice smile, some compliments, maybe some pastry you've bought for them.

Who knows? Your boss might even wind up inviting you to his mom's house for dinner.

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