The question

Is it weird to wear red lingerie outside of Valentine's Day?

The answer

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Why are you even wearing red lingerie on Valentine's Day? Black is the most seductive choice – and, ahem, I say this unequivocally. But, assuming you and/or your sweetheart prefer something red and racy for Feb. 14, that lingerie may then become linked, in your mind, to sexy time.

So wearing it on any other occasion may feel weird to you, but no one else will know the difference. (It's not as if you will be treating the office to a peep show.) If you are asking because you like wearing red skivvies year-round, opt for deeper shades with blue/purple undertones if you're hoping to avoid tawdry territory. But really, just go with black.

Amy Verner is The Globe and Mail's Paris-based style reporter. Have a fashion question? E-mail