Morning Radar: Three things we're talking about this morning

Too much information: George W. Bush's admission that his mother Barbara had a miscarriage and showed him the fetus in a jar has stirred revulsion among the Internet masses, even more than his admission that a Kanye West diss was the lowest point in his term.

Plugging his memoir Decision Points, Mr. Bush revealed the family secret (described in the book with his mother's permission) in an interview with NBC's Matt Lauer last night.

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The former president said Barbara Bush asked doctors to save the fetus so she could show it to him. (He was a teenager.)

"There's no question that affected me, a philosophy that we should respect life," he told Mr. Lauer. "There was a human life, a little brother or sister."

Still, he said he included the episode mostly to show "how my mom and I developed a relationship" - a point that troubled some observers, including Gawker's Jim Newell, who wrote, "A chilling, morbid relationship of visceral fear and horror, common among blue-bloods."

The Daily Beast had the shrinks weigh in: Some were concerned about the trauma a teenage boy would experience upon viewing the dead baby in a jar, while others were more diplomatic:

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"The biggest thing now is for parents of, for example, a stillborn baby to call in a videographer or take some of the baby's hair, if the baby had hair," said one.

Hey big spender: Kim Kardashian, that beacon of fiscal responsibility, is hawking a credit card that's being marketed to kids as young as 13.

In theory, the "Kardashian Prepaid MasterCard," launched today, gives parents more control over their teenagers' expenditures, since little Madison can't use it to buy cocaine.

Parents track their kids spending via cellphone, and hope for the best with a role model like Kim.

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Exotic tastes: Yup, that's lion meat. The current issue of Popular Science includes something that's neither popular nor science: a treatise on eating exotic beasts and otherwise seemingly inedible critters.

Writes Dave Arnold: "America was once the premier place to eat strange animals. We were world-renowned for the quantity, quality, and variety of our game. We ate wild animals, farmed animals, young animals, old animals. If it moved, we ate it (exception: eagles)."

He even includes handy "low-temperature game cooking notes." For lion, he suggests 57°C for 24 hours.

Black bear meanwhile, 57°C for 3 hours. "Tastes a little bloody and metallic. Younger bears are reportedly better."

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Beaver tail is 60°C for 48 hours -- "Woodsy, delicious," Mr. Arnold writes.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll have the salad.