Kate Middleton made it look easy when she extended her swan-like neck for a just-married kiss with Prince William on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

But chances are they weren't virgins when they got engaged.

Newlyweds in a promo for TLC's latest offering, Virgin Diaries, look like guppies fighting tooth to jowl for fish food.

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The voyeuristic network suggests the public intimacy required of a wedding kiss is just too much for those who have saved themselves for marriage, lips and all.

"Whether by choice or circumstance, many have yet to experience one of life's most intimate milestones: sex," TLC says. " Virgin Diaries takes you inside the lives of adult virgins who reveal the challenges, truths and anticipations of losing their virginity."

The clip shows guests responding with embarrassed laughter, although the devout have no doubt witnessed such awkward face-sucking before. After all, hard-core abstainers don't get to practise the seal-the-deal smooch even at the wedding rehearsal.

Judging by goofy wedding kisses like this, this and this, a primer could be helpful.

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At its best, nuptial canoodling is passionate yet brief, with tasteful displays of affection such as a caress on the check. No one wants to see any tongue. And it wouldn't hurt to impose a three-second rule.

For devout Christians, perhaps a wedding planner should choreograph the kiss. That might save guests from being subjected to all that pent-up carnal hunger – not to mention shockingly bad technique.

Did you worry about getting your wedding kiss right? Have you witnessed any awkward first smooches?