Morning Radar: Three things we're talking about this morning

Makeover: Mark Zuckerberg unveiled Facebook's latest redesign Sunday night, with the focus being a spruced up profile page.

The new Facebook likes photos, displaying a user's five recently tagged pictures on the main screen of their profile. It will also highlight your friends and family, whether they like it or not.

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Another addition? New categories on the info page, including favourite sports and languages spoken.

Do you like it or hate it?

The new profile page will be enforced eventually, but you can opt to change it now - before all the cool kids do..

Are those bleary-eyed bar pics from the weekend now sitting pretty on your main page? Tell us what you think in the comments field.

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It's a dirty job, but at least there's OT: Nannies in New York state are now guaranteed paid leave, overtime pay and protection from workplace discrimination and sexual harassment.

Proponents say the move will help legitimize the hard work of nannies and housecleaners, and force families who use their services to acknowledge their full role as employers.

Turn that down: A bill that would lower the volume of television commercial has passed in the House and been sent to President Obama for approval.

Television advertisements in the U.S. can no longer be louder than the programs they interrupt, a beef held by tube-loving grumps everywhere.

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"Most Americans experience the frustration of abrasively loud television commercials, with advertisers grabbing for our attention through this intrusive practice," said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.

"While this is far from the biggest issue we face, it will mean one less daily annoyance in our lives."

Hear, hear!