Kayak whale watching

What's the deal?

Beach camp and get up close with grey whales as they give birth.

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Where's it at?

Each year, hundreds of grey whales make the nearly three month, 8,000-kilometre journey from the Arctic to their winter mating home in the warm waters of Magdalena Bay, on the Pacific Coast of Mexico's Baja peninsula.

Book a grey whale camping trip with Sea Kayak Adventures, from January to March, to coincide with the peak of the migration. Leaving your campsite on the bay's barrier islands, you'll spend several hours each day in skiffs viewing the whales up close. If you're lucky, you'll see a courtship display as males breach, tail slap and compete for a female.

When you're not out at sea, guides will lead hikes through Magdalena Bay's diverse ecosystem of sand dunes, desert flora and mangrove-lined estuaries.

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For dinner, they'll whip up top-quality Mexican cuisine such as chicken mole and fish Veracruz.

Who's it for?

Those who like camping, Mexican food and whales.


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Special to The Globe and Mail