Photo tip for Dec. 23: This image is all about lines. The neck coming from the left and the baby's neck from the bottom brings the eye into the centre of the image.

Photo tip for Dec. 22: Sometimes it's not the technical qualities that make an image but the moment. This is a great moment with the couple kissing and the little boy looking on. The background adds to the image with other people enjoying similar moments.

Photo tip for Dec. 21: The woman's sandals and feet covered with dust and the bag half out of the frame make a very compelling image. The straight down angle uses the dirt as a background allowing the feet and bag to stand out in the image.

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Photo tip for Dec. 20: This image is a great example of a technique called the zoom trick. It's accomplished by using a slow shutter speed and pressing the shutter at the same time as zooming your lens. This creates a streak or blurring effect around the focus point.

Photo tip for Dec. 17: Congratulations to Sean Birch of Edmonton, who sent us this shot taken in Mount Fernie Provincial Park in B.C. in response to our call-out for photos on the theme of winter in Canada. He took the photo while snowshoeing along the a creek after an early season snowfall. It was published in the Dec. 17 edition of the newspaper. Our editors chose the image because its three layers are great: The mountains in the background, trees in the middle and the creek running from the front into the frame are perfectly composed.

Each weekday, our photo editors will select one compelling image for prominent play in the newspaper. Readers can learn more about why the image was chosen and tips about shooting similar pictures at Photo Desk, our new online camera club.

Once a week, the daily image will be chosen from reader-submitted photos based on the weekly theme. This week's theme is holiday traditions.