Out There: Surrey WinterFest

Bundle up in your coziest duds and hop a SkyTrain to Surrey's Central City Plaza for WinterFest, the city's annual mid-winter blast of live music, sports and entertainment.

Take in free outdoor shows by top musical acts including indie rockers Hot Hot Heat and rapper Kyprios, as well as performances by martial artists, steel drummers, bhangra dancers, storytellers and more; between sets, test out a synthetic ice rink and two toboggan runs.

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The fest also includes an Olympic Flashback Ceremony with the Surrey Celebration Dance Team, the Surrey City Orchestra, the Surrey Youth Circus Troupe, and music by Shaun Verrault of Wide Mouth Mason and Stef Lang, then finishes off with fireworks.

Speaking of Olympic flashbacks, don't miss Olympic Glory Relived - a weekend-long block party on Granville Street from Drake to Georgia - as well as the TD Winter Carnival at Robson Square, complete with live ice sculpting, midway games, hot chocolate and free ice skating on the Ice Plaza's final day of the season.

The Surrey WinterFest happens Saturday (surrey.ca/winterfest). Olympic Glory Relived happens Saturday and Sunday (vancouver.ca), and the TD Winter Carnival on Sunday (vancouver.ca).