Number of authorized users in 2002: 477

Approximate number of authorized users today: 37,000

Projected number of licensed users by 2024: 433,638

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Previous federal price per gram, which resulted in Ottawa losing roughly $5-million a year: $5

Price per gram being advertised by the first licensed producer: $9 to $12

Limit on grams per month that can be provided: 150

Grams per month used by medical marijuana advocate Marcel Gignac, who is fighting the changes: 900

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Percentage of users, in 2012, who bought from Health Canada: 13

Percentage of users who grew their own: 64

Percentage of users whose supply was grown, under licence, by a friend: 16

Percentage of users licensed to buy from Health Canada in 2012 but didn't: 7

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Percentage of users who grow at least 25 plants in their home: 70