Thursday, October 12th

If your birthday is today:

A Mars-Saturn aspect on your birthday this year will endow you with astonishing energy and ambition. but if you really want to fulfill your potential you must get involved with something of a socially useful nature. Fame and fortune are fine but they won't satisfy your need to make a difference in the world.

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ARIES (March 21 - April 20): The first offer you get will most likely be the best one today, so act quickly and grab whatever is on the negotiating table. If you try to hold out for a better deal you run the risk of losing it altogether. Don't be greedy: as offers go you've had worse - and you can certainly do with the money.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21): You will go out of your way to be nice today but for some strange reason not everyone will respond in kind. You may be tempted to get nasty yourself but that will only bring you down to their low level. What kind of person you are does not and should not depend on other people's behaviour.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): A new idea or theory will grab your interest today but is it realistic or is it just wishful thinking? The danger is that you will go from one doctrinaire belief to another, when what you should be doing is expanding your mind so you can see the connection between all things. Never believe anything that limits your thinking.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23): You will have to work extra hard today just to make ends meet. Forget about fun for the next 24 hours because your mind must be fixed on making money, and that's a serious subject. The good news is that people in authority will take note of your industriousness. A promotion could be coming your way soon.

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LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23): Life may not come easy to you today but whatever challenges come your way you have what it takes to deal with them all, so there is no point in feeling sorry for yourself. A beneficial Mars-Saturn aspect will give you the strength and the staying power to overcome any adversity and turn it into a triumph.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23): So you tried and you failed - so what? Life is about taking chances and when you take chances you must be ready to experience the rough as well as the smooth. What you did or did not do yesterday is of no importance: it is what you do today and what you plan to do tomorrow that matters.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): Something you once believed with all your heart will look a bit shaky today, and soon you may no longer believe it at all. But that's okay, because you are not the kind of person who needs a rigid dogma - you know there is always a higher truth to be found. Strong belief is the enemy of true understanding.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22): It's not often that other people have the courage to deny you what it is you desire but they will do so today - and you will be appalled that you cannot do anything about it. You will just have to accept that you don't have the power to take what you please in all situations - nor should you want it as power corrupts.

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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21): Try to see what effect your actions will have on other people. You don't care what effect they might have? Well you should, as what you do to others today will be done to you at some stage in the future. A little bit of thoughtfulness over the next 24 hours will pay dividends further down the line.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20): If you insist on hearing only bad news then, of course, it will appear as if nothing positive is going on in your neighbourhood. Conversely, if you make a point of seeing the good in everything you will soon begin to notice what a wonderful place the world really is. It's all about perception and what you want to believe.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19): Today's Mars-Saturn aspect indicates that a long-running fight or feud can quite easily be ended, but it is up to you to make the first move. It does not matter who was right or who was wrong, it matters only that you want an end to the issue. Say sorry if you have to - the sacrifice will be worth it.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20): There is nothing new under the sun: everything that happens in your life has in some way or other happened before, and will happen again. With that thought in mind, think back to a problem you had about six months ago. It looks very much like the problem you have now, doesn't it? The answer then is the answer now.

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