Filed under W for wait a second, didn't you just say… or found comedy on the road to hell.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff in January, 2009: "We are putting this government on probation. Each of these reports will be an opportunity to withdraw our confidence should the government fail Canadians. We will be watching like hawks to make sure the investments Canadians need actually reach them."

Mr. Ignatieff in early summer, 2009: "Summer is a time for Liberals to engage in our communities and get ready for the task ahead and we know what's at stake it's nothing less than the future of our country. I wont be taking it easy this summer and I know you wont be either."

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Liberal Senator David Smith, in yesterday's Globe and Mail: "Michael and the Liberal Party remain committed to wanting to see Parliament work, to want to hold them accountable. Does that mean, on every single issue, when you've got the NDP and Bloc [Québécois] voting on matters that could be deemed confidence to bring them down, that we have to push the button every time?" he asked, noting that polls consistently show Canadians do not want an election. "We just don't have to be in a constant shootout at the O.K. Corral for an election every time Parliament meets and there's a vote of substance in the House."

I ran that last one past NDP strategist Brian Topp: "Hmm. Looks like they're not happy with their polls again."