The Obama to Canada coverage is truly getting ridiculous. Yes it is a wonderful historic event but come on, about the only thing we don't get from various media outlets is when the President gets a bathroom break. Surely the poor man will need one at a certain point.

This morning networks were broadcasting the take off of Air Force One from Andrews Air Force base. I am shocked we didn't have an Air Force One travel tracker up on the screens with Google satellite maps monitoring current locations of the plane.

Are we so insecure as Canadians that we demand this saturation coverage of the American President's visit to Ottawa? Is it central to our identity that to feel good about ourselves we need Obama's first foreign trip as President to be here?

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The only bit of new coverage I can bring to Obama overkill is that there are no porta-potties on Parliament Hill. Therefore news outlets will have to get their top investigative journalists in circulation to determine where the President's call of nature will take place.