I'm firmly of the belief that the Liberals shouldn't force an election until they have a clear idea of what they stand for and can express it in a single sentence or two. My sense from talking to them is that they're some ways from that. And if you don't want to take my word for it, the following from today's Don Martin column should convince you:

"And if they succeed in forcing a vote, what will they run on?

"Well, insiders say they'll include a scaled-down version of MP Dan McTeague's registered education savings scheme into a platform featuring pledges to fight homelessness, bolster infrastructure, act for a greener environment and bail out the auto sector, all purportedly without running a deficit."

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If you have too many priorities, you don't have any. If they want to know how that tends to work out, the Liberals might want to have a look at the last couple of election results.


Update: A good number of commenters point out that five priorities isn't an overwhelming number. Fair enough. But what they miss is that we're talking about five broad and disparate priorities that add up to very little. If you can summarize for me in one sentence how they add up to a coherent message to sell to voters, I might reconsider.