"If anybody is kept out of any of our events that's there to hear our message, we obviously apologize to them. … Our interest is in having as many people out to hear our message as we can."

That quote from the Conservative Leader, in light of what's to date been the most tightly scripted campaign this side of Nursultan Nazarbayev, might well be mistaken for a Second City parody.

I don't mean to be sour, but what message is he talking about? Mr. Harper has no message and that's exactly the point. When you're up a couple of goals and the clock is running down, it's best to rag the puck.

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I'm reminded of 1988, when John Turner faced a similarly quiescent campaign from the Brian Mulroney-led Tories and made free trade the "fight of my life." Of course, in the end, that all blew up in his face. Allan Gregg invoked the "bomb the bridge" strategy, separating anti-FTA voters from the Liberal Party by attacking Mr. Turner's credibility.

Still, comparisons are by definition odious and this one no less so. Michael Ignatieff's already taken the Tories' best shot and the debate is still ahead of us.

Mr. Harper better bone up. Mr. Ignatieff is going to bring it on debate night - and, if Jack Layton can tag in from time to time, my guess is that by the end of next week, the numbers will have changed dramatically.