I see that my morning read is endorsing a proposal to give "most, if not all, [carbon tax revenues]directly back to the provinces. … In a single stroke complaints about unfair regional redistribution would disappear. Carbon would still be taxed, but Canada's unity would not."

I see, too, that from Copenhagen, Eric Reguly is advocating that Canada and the United States increase the funding they're offering poor countries to protect them from climate change - funding that is supposed to be derived in large part by Ottawa from taxing the very same carbon.

Let's hope that The Globe's editorial writer and its columnist get together on a recommendation to the government before the conference ends. Because while you may still be able to skate on the canal in February, that's quite an emasculated and fiscally-unfit capital that Canada would have if these two were followed by the Conservatives.

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(Photo: A man ponders an installation in Copenhagen today. Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images.)