On the one-week anniversary of this city's failed copycat protest, the participants got together to share memories and reminisce about the greatest social movement this country has ever seen. Snippets of their conversation have been captured here, for posterity:

"Looking back, I can't believe what we achieved in a few incredible days: government-funded health care, a well-regulated banking system, and a cap on corporate political donations. Our work is done." – Tracy, 20

"The day after Occupy, I used an ATM and the same old message came up saying you will be charged $1 for this transaction or whatever. But it felt different, somehow. You could tell the ATM felt embarrassed, that it knew it was just another pawn in this charade we call capitalism. I felt sorry for my robot brother." Alex, 23

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"Why are there more people at the reunion than were at the actual protest? That's just such total BS, man." – Russell, 26

"We have these amazing commemorative Occupy shirts for sale. The minimum order was 250, so there will be extras if anyone wants one." – Dave, 23

" Occupy: I Was There – that's why my t-shirt says. And it's cheaper than that other guy's. I think he's making a profit, which makes me want to puke." – Jesse, 27

"I remember when the radio reports went from saying 'the marchers are heading down Bay Street' to 'the marcher is turning left at Adelaide.' Some people saw this as a sign Occupy had fizzled, but to me it was this poetic reminder that all groups are made up of individuals. It's hugely profound." – Julie, 25

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"I'm not making money on these. Okay, like $2 per shirt. But that won't come close to covering what I lose on the extras. So I don't see how you can call that profit." – Dave, 23

"I have taken to doing the human mic as an act of conscientious citizenry. I went home to have dinner with my parents and when my mother would speak, I would repeat it so that my dad could hear at the other end of the table. At one point, she says 'pass the potatoes' and I shout 'pass the potatoes' and then my dad just freaks out. He starts laying into me and then tells me I'm a pathetic loser." – Russell, 26

"It's weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it's time to go, they're still there. I guess that's why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? That's the power of greed." – Jeremy, 38

"My shirts are all gone. You people are beautiful." – Jesse, 27

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"I was sitting on a park bench drinking a coffee and a reporter came up to me and asked me about Occupy and I was like, 'What's that? I'm just sitting here drinking a coffee. Who are these people?' It wasn't for another 15 minutes that I realized I was part of something bigger than myself, but by that point it was over." – Tim, 44

"If they can bail out the banks out with billions of dollars, why can't they bail me the measly $200 I'm going to lose on these shirts? This is why the system is so unfair. This is why there is so much anger right now. Can't anyone see that?" – Dave, 23

Update: Writer Mark Schatzker has just posted a reflection from "Jeremy" on his newfound infamy, thanks to Rick Perry.

Special to The Globe and Mail - Follow Mark Schatzker on Twitter at @markschatzker