All of this was reported by news media this week. A doctor in Melbourne, Australia, put a goldfish under anesthetic and removed a tumour from its head. The doctor said the tumour was affecting the fish's "quality of life" and causing him to be bullied by his pondmates. Joan Rivers's ear, nose and throat doctor is said to have taken a selfie with her while she was out cold undergoing the procedure that led to her death. Scientists studying the skeleton of King Richard III say the unhorsed monarch suffered 11 serious injuries before dying at Bosworth Field; he was struck by daggers, swords and a pike.

Former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty registered to be a lobbyist at the Ontario Legislature. The Winnipeg Health Authority sent a letter home with students asking for parents' "concent" to vaccinate their "chiled" and other "studints." A man in Halifax called 911 to say he was being robbed when he didn't like the price a used-car dealer was demanding. A woman in Florida called 911 to say she was fine. You can now buy McDonald's coffee at the grocery store. ABC News meteorologist Rob Marciano tweeted that, "like most people, weather makes me horny." A pizzeria employee in Georgetown, Texas, rubbed his testicles on a customer's uncooked pizza because he was angry the order came just before closing time.

A new study linked the polar vortex to extreme ice loss in a remote part of the Arctic between Scandinavia and Siberia. Scientists at MIT unveiled a robotic cheetah that can run 16 kph and leap over 33-centimetre objects. Paleontologists named a 19-million-year-old dinosaur after Mick Jagger because it had big lips. They also considered naming it after Angelina Jolie. A study at the University of Houston found that newspaper readers remember more of what they read than people who read online. Apple pre-sold four million of its new iPhones in 24 hours, a record.

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Chongqing, China, opened reserved pedestrian lanes for people who walk and text. A New York artist published a 240-page book of real tweets that contain the words "working on my novel." An Indian pop star named Daler Mehndi released a song urging fans to follow him on Twitter or Facebook, or to just visit his website if they don't use social media. A funeral home in Saginaw, Michigan, unveiled a drive-thru viewing window. Leonard Cohen launched a new album called Popular Problems.