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A composite image of women working in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Donna Strickland, left, Emma Mogus, top right, Anahita Jami, bottom left and Jennifer Jackson, bottom right.

NATALIA DOLAN/The Globe and Mail

Letters to the Editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail. Include your name, address and daytime phone number. Try to keep letters to fewer than 150 words. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. To submit a letter by e-mail, click here:


Where are the men?

Your International Women’s Day feature on women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics had pretty photos of women, talking nicely about how to get more women into STEM careers.

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Several said women need to see more women in those careers (rather a circular argument), while others talked about what women should do. Only one (thank you, Shiz Aoki) mentioned that men should be “part of the discussion.”

I’m sick and tired of seeing women given all the responsibility for overcoming their own oppression. What about the male elephants in the room?

Sally Andrews, Ottawa

Wrongfully targeted

We live in weird times, but when a gun advocacy group tells trauma doctors to “stay in your lane,” it goes beyond surreal (Gun Lobby Fights Doctors Advocating For Firearm Restrictions, March 8).

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Are doctors supposed to continue to travel down a lane that sees more and more bullet wounds and feel that this provides them good practice?

Who better than trauma doctors to witness for us the horrors of torn bodies and violent deaths, often of innocents, often as the result of collateral damage from wildly inaccurate revenge shootings. Gun-related violent crime is significantly up since the federal gun registry was shut down, and yet people still argue that less regulation is required. Gun lobbyists are in a lane that leads to blood on the street – a lane that should be blocked off entirely.

Bill Molesworth, Midland, Ont.


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From her first-hand experiences treating gunshot victims, trauma surgeon Najma Ahmed has chosen to advocate for preventative measures to save lives. For her courageous efforts, the gun lobby finds it appropriate to harass her by making vexatious complaints to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Such attempts to silence physicians are shameful.

Salman Remtulla, Mississauga

Out of touch

Should we not be concerned that the Bank of Canada is “surprised” by how abruptly the economy is decelerating (BoC ‘Surprised’ By Sudden Slowdown As It Shifts Gears On Rates, March 8)?

The central bank seems to be coming rather late to this finding. My family, friends, neighbours and I have been cautious about the economy for some time now and have cut back our spending, particularly on entertainment and travel.

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Perhaps the Bank of Canada’s economists need to check in more regularly with Canadians who do not have secure government jobs and guaranteed fully indexed pensions.

A. M. Clayton, Ottawa

Boycotting badness

Re Why We Shouldn’t Boycott Michael Jackson’s Music (March 7):

I agree with Mark Kingwell that scholarly study must occasionally involve reading works about or by the morally ambiguous and even the downright diabolical. But consuming art – whether for entertainment or cultural enrichment – is a different matter.

It constitutes a discretionary relationship between the artist, who makes a statement, and the consumer, who receives and responds. With so much good art created by honourable people, why enter into a relationship with artists found to be depraved and harmful? If allegations are proven, Mr. Jackson will join others in my cultural “no-fly zone.”

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Donald Hall, Ottawa


In deciding whether to boycott an artist’s works, it makes a difference whether the works are in the public domain or still protected by copyright.

If copyright has expired and no money is going to the artist or his estate, I see no reason why members of the public should not freely enjoy his works. If the artist is alive, members of the public may wish to boycott his works to send a message to the artist, especially if he has not served prison time or apologized for wrongdoing.

If the estate is still collecting royalties then, after payment for proven claims, a substantial portion of the royalties should go to a charity not controlled by the estate. The widow and children should not be unduly punished for the artist’s wrongdoing.

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Bruce Couchman, Ottawa

Highway safety idea

A coroner’s report recommends, among other things, that Saskatchewan’s highways ministry review the road signage at the intersection where the Humboldt bus crash occurred in 2018 (Saskatchewan Coroner Office Promises Greater Care In Releasing Names After Humboldt Mix-up, Feb. 25).

Insofar as another fatal collision had occurred some years prior to the Humboldt crash, the ministry had, no doubt, reviewed the signage, and it is doubtful whether any further change would effect any improvement.

I suggest that a significant improvement might be achieved by the installation of “doglegs” on the approaches of a minor road to a major road. The driver of a vehicle on the minor road would be forced to negotiate the turns of the dogleg, thereby increasing his awareness of the intersection. The doglegs would be relatively easy to install, compared to a roundabout and would maintain the continuity of the major road.

David R. Morris, P Eng., Fredericton

Apologies, apologies

Once again, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has offered an official apology, this time to the Inuit over the Canadian government’s treatment of those with tuberculosis (Trudeau Apologizes For Treatment Of Inuit With Tuberculosis In Mid-20th Century, March 8). It would be an understatement that the Inuit’s treatment was reprehensible.

However, I would respectfully suggest to our Prime Minister that if he wants to issue apologies, he should do so to all present-day Canadian citizens over his recent handling and mismanagement of the SNL-Lavalin affair and not apologize for events that occurred decades ago.

Michael Gilman, Toronto

Bonne chance M. Trebek

I am an avid viewer of Jeopardy and am sure that I am not alone in thinking that my enjoyment of the program is due in no small way to the personal charm of its presenter, Alex Trebek.

I concur with the laudatory comments made by your letter writer last week (Canadian Icons For $200, March 8). I would add that his beautiful pronunciation of words in French, when required, also perfectly proclaim his Canadian background.

I well remember, on the occasion of his being awarded the Order of Canada in 2017, that he wore his distinctive pin with pride on the show for several days. Many people are behind him in his commitment to complete his three-year contract, as he said.

Alison Kyba, Guelph, Ont.