I want to pursue a career in biotechnology. Which other major is best to take along with biotech?


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Among the best resources at any postsecondary institution are the academic advisers. They are experts in knowing which courses and programs are suitable for students, given their interests and career ambitions.

Make an appointment with one at the school you will be attending. Go in prepared, able to answer why you want to go into this field, and what your long- and short-term goals are. This will help the adviser find the right blend of majors/minors so your time is spent in a challenging and productive way.

You could also speak with professionals who work in biotechnology. Perhaps you have a family friend or neighbour who could lend you some insight on trends in the field, and explain what employers are looking for in this sector. Other resources could be trade publications, online blogs and other forms of social media.

When selecting a major or minor, be mindful of the school's rules about changing your area of study. Many students start off with one focus and alter find another area is more interesting. It is okay to change you mind; just make sure your program is flexible enough for you to do so.

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Eileen Dooley is a certified coach and lead consultant for McRae Inc. in Calgary.

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