After your vacation, subdue your e-mail

On your return from vacation, try sorting your e-mail by subject. That way the most recent e-mail by conversation is on top and you may not have to read through the string of prior messages.

Motivate your staff with public profiles

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It's common to have incentive and rewards programs for salespeople and other employees that include a leader board indicating who is ahead in the competition for prizes.

But South Carolina-based incentives expert Paul Hebert says instead of telling people who is No. 1, tell them why – publish profiles explaining what behaviours make the top workers successful. I2I blog

Three clear goals for fledgling startups

Serial entrepreneur James Altucher says the top priority for a startup to do is to get customers; No. 2 is to get paying customers; and No. 3 is to make money while you sleep. James

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Is your Excel sluggish? Check the calculator

If your Excel seems to be running slowly, it's likely that automatic calculations are taking place throughout your worksheet when you plug in a new number. Turn off automatic calculations from the calculations tab on the Options dialogue box, setting it to manual. You will then have to press F9 for calculations.

Special to The Globe and Mail

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter