The top read story by the inestimable Harvey Schachter, who writes our Monday Morning Manager column, our biweekly Managing Books reviews and our online Friday column Balance, was a story he wrote in early 2011 with Sam Geist about job interviews. This story just keeps going, and going, and going.

Ten must-ask job interview questions

How to achieve some semblance of balance between your work and personal lives seems elusive in our crazy busy days. This story on burnout resonated.

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10 ways to avoid burnout at work

This story turned a perceived truth about engagement on its head: that engaged workers are not necessarily your best.

Your most engaged staff may be your worst workers

Harvey's list of the best business books of the year is always a crowd pleaser and Globe Careers gets many inquiries about when it will be published.

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Top 10 business books of the year

This story discussed our love-hate relationship with our always-on mobile phones.

Your smartphone is your enemy

Extroverts get all the attention, but it doesn't mean they're always the best.

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Are you an introvert? That's an asset

You may not control everything, such as when you're going to lose your job, but if you see the writing on the wall there are ways to mitigate this disaster.

About to be fired? Take charge

This book review took readers by surprise, and people just wanted to read more.

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When university leaders go off the rails

Being a leader can be a tough job, and this book went to the heart of the matter.

10 hard truths about leadership

If we could find that magic elixir that helps us be more productive, it will make us all millionaires.

How to focus in 20-minute bursts