This is the latest news and information for workers and managers from across the Web universe, brought to you by Monday Morning Manager writer Harvey Schachter. Follow us on Twitter @Globe_Careers or join our Linked In group.

To reduce e-mail, start at the top. Consultants Chris Brown and Andrew Killick and academic Karen Renaud taught a top management team to cut their outgoing e-mails by actions such as limiting recipients and not forwarding messages. E-mails from their employees, with no such training, dropped by 64 per cent. Harvard Business Review

Start something and succeed

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As the popular saying goes: "If you don't start, you can't fail." But if you're using that maxim to stall on something, entrepreneur Seth Godin counters: "If you don't start, you will fail." Seth's Blog

Cross-train your leader's brain

Athletes use cross-training to offer their bodies some respite and build complementary muscle groups. Executive Karin Hurt recommends the same for leaders, learning new practices by taking a brief sabbatical from their typical activities. Instead of running a meeting, for example, try being secretary and take notes for the group. Let's Grow Leaders

Clarify to keep projects in check

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To prevent scope creep on projects, when clients keep asking for "one more thing," consultant Vickie Sullivan recommends clarifying each request, communicating the impact, and then offering options without having to renegotiate the contract, such as curtailing some aspects of the project to allow the new issue to be explored.

Track your time on Facebook

Think you may be spending more time on Facebook at work (or at home) than you should? TimeRabbit is a handy, free download that keeps a record of how much time you spend on it daily, weekly and monthly.

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter