It has become customary to assume that diversity increases creativity. But Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor of business psychology at University College London and a faculty member at Columbia University, says the link is not as simple as we think.

Yes, teams with a diverse composition generate a wider range of original and useful ideas. But experimental studies suggest those benefits disappear when the team turns its attention to implementation, deciding which ideas to select and act upon, presumably because diversity hinders consensus.

He writes in Harvard Business Review that an analysis of 108 studies and more than 10,000 teams "indicated that the creativity gains produced by higher team diversity are disrupted by the inherent social conflict and decision-making deficits that less homogeneous teams create. It would therefore make sense for organizations to increase diversity in teams that are focused on exploration or idea generation, and use more-homogeneous teams to curate and implement those ideas."

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He adds that for all the talk about the importance of creativity, the critical activity is innovation – implementing creative ideas. "Most organizations have a surplus of creative ideas that are never implemented, and more diversity is not going to solve this problem," he says.

Other factors to consider:

2. Tips for building better teams

Whether your team is diverse or not, you always face a challenge in bringing members together into a cohesive unit working toward the same ends.

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"From the teachings of Vince Lombardi to modern Navy SEAL training and psychology, it's been proven that the more pressure and challenge your employees embrace and surmount together, the more cohesive and expert your teams will be as they work together going forward," consultant Baron Christopher Hanson notes on

Here is a framework of escalating challenges that can help build an engaged, cohesive team:

He stresses that some workplaces will frown on aspects of those activities that extend beyond work hours, so you must be sensitive to standard employment agreements and compensate accordingly. But too often employees suffer from numbingly boring workplaces that lack a culture of innovation. They crave challenges. These ideas could build energy and engagement.

3. Measuring operational elegance

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Companies that want to accelerate growth and maximize profitability are like figure skaters. They need to be technically sound as well as artistically graceful and flexible, according to Toronto consultant Andrew Miller. On his blog, he identifies the technical and artistic elements to score yourself on, according to a one to five scale:



A perfect score would be 70. How did you fare?

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4. Quick Hits