This is the latest news and information for workers and managers from across the Web universe, brought to you by Monday Morning Manager writer Harvey Schachter. Follow us on Twitter @Globe_Careers or join our Linked In group.

Here are four small words that consultant Julie Winkle Giulioni advises will kill the motivation and drive of your younger workers: "You're too young to…." She warns: "They're killer words. They extinguish motivation, inspiration, excitement and even connection with the organization." Julie Winkle Giulioni's Blog

Rushing to a meeting? Take a pause instead

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Instead of rushing in a frenzy to meetings, technology commentator Clay Shirky recommends a meditative walk, pausing as he used to at the Thames River when he was a student in London on his way to classes, enjoying the meditative, flowing stillness of the river and being between places. Fast Company

Create a vivid picture with all your ads

Radio advertising expert Roy H. Williams says a good ad is a series of vivid mental images projected onto the movie screen of imagination. Name something easily seen to start the ad, add modifiers, and choose verbs that carry context. Seek clarity first, creativity last. Monday Morning Memo

Bonuses you can't count are a better reward

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When unequal rewards are given out there will be less dissatisfaction if they aren't actually countable, says Kellogg Management professor Neal Roese. Research showed people who received less cake than counterparts weren't as dissatisfied as those receiving less cash, focusing more on what they received rather than what they didn't. Kellogg Insight

Try this presentation tool to make number comparisons

If you're using a proportional shape diagram in a presentation – a highly effective way to compare numbers without forcing the audience to do math, according to PowerPoint expert Dave Paradi – you can use a free tool he provides at to calculate the sizes for you. Dave Paradi's PowerPoint Blog

Special to The Globe and Mail

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Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter