This is the latest news and information for workers and managers from across the Web universe, brought to you by Monday Morning Manager writer Harvey Schachter. Follow us on Twitter @Globe_Careers or join our Linked In group.

Tracking her time for a month, entrepreneur Minda Zetlin came up with the following questions for herself and you: What am I doing too much of? What's taking longer than I thought? What could I hand off? What has the biggest impact? What am I not doing enough of?

Make appreciation a daily habit

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Jack Canfield, creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, says the one habit every leader should have is showing appreciation. We tend to acknowledge things that aren't working, so instead he kept track daily on note cards of people he should acknowledge until it became a habit.

Go for workers who take on challenges

Research by academics Samuel Swift, Don Moore, Zachariah Sharek and Francesca Gino shows that in hiring, we tend to select candidates who have excelled at easier jobs or tasks over those who have performed slightly worse at much more challenging tasks. Michael Roberto's Blog

Add completed tasks to your to-do list

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Try this tip if you find yourself procrastinating: Write a to-do list including things you have already done – even making coffee, taking a shower, and getting dressed. Blogger Martha Brettschneider says that checking off those items as completed will spur you on to further activity. Dumb Little Man

Let this app sort your e-mail

Skimbox is an e-mail app for the iPhone that automatically sorts incoming messages into two tabs: Mainbox, for those you need to act on, and Skimbox, for those you can skim through or ignore. It uses your past interactions with the sender and keyword cues when selecting.

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter