This is the latest news and information for workers and managers from across the Web universe, brought to you by Monday Morning Manager writer Harvey Schachter. Follow us on Twitter @Globe_Careers or on our Linked In group.

Lazy workers may be in eye of beholder

If you manage lazy employees, it may be your fault, says HR consultant Christine Assaf. Stop treating them as lazy, consider that you may be lazy to their needs, set goals and really talk to them to understand what's affecting their performance. Blogging4Jobs

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Choose your platform and become a master

With the proliferation of new media platforms, strategy consultant Dorie Clark warns that no person or company can be a master of all – nor should you try to be. Pick the best for your brand, and focus on those. Harvard Business Review Blogs

Before they discuss, they read together

When seniors executives at meet, they start by reading six-page printed memos about the subject at hand, notes entrepreneur Ben Casnocha. The communal reading is meant to guarantee everyone's undivided attention to the matter.

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The true test of understanding

Albert Einstein said, "If you can't explain it to a six-year-old kid, you don't understand it yourself."

It's a to-do list, but it's prettier

Task Paper gives you to-do lists on the lock screen or Springboard of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod by converting the lists into customizable wallpapers.

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Special to The Globe and Mail

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter