Meetings matter. While many of us dismiss them as a waste of time and energy, a team of career coaches report that meetings are vital for presenting yourself to others and establishing your leadership credentials. In particular, meetings matter to women, because women are less proficient than men in those crucial encounters.

Kathryn Heath, Jill Flynn, and Mary Davis Holt work exclusively with senior female executives in their Charlotte, North Carolina practice, and started picking up signs in the 360-degree feedback on those women that they weren't showing up well in meetings. After a year-long research study Ms. Heath says in an interview they found that "in meetings men are from Mars and women from Venus. We are just missing each other. Women don't get feedback and struggle to get a word in; men feel that women are not concise enough and take too much time winding up to make a point."

And it wasn't as if the men were deliberately shutting the women down. It was that different behavioural styles were getting in the way. "Men were telling us, 'she's the smartest person in the room and I wanted to hear from her,'" says Ms. Heath.

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Women find themselves having trouble inserting themselves into key business decisions, outnumbered amongst the male executives, their voices drowned out or ignored. At the same time, their male colleagues and superiors, while corroborating those concerns, reported that the women appeared less confident in key meetings where they were expected to contribute. In several cases men reported their female colleagues "get rattled" or remain silent even in sessions when the topic is something for which the woman is the resident expert.

That's important, because the three coaches consider meetings the centre stage for leaders to perform before others in organizations, showcasing their ideas, abilities and achievements. "Meetings can also open doors for women. In the initial 10 to 15 years after entering the workforce, employees rise in their careers based on the merits of their individual contributions. After that (according to what we have learned from coaching over 1,000 executive women), the fortunes of senior-level women executives accelerate or stagnate based on two altogether different metrics. Not surprisingly, the first is the financial performance of their unit. But the second factor is more interesting – it is the ability of a woman leader to gain the active sponsorship of at least one C-suite executive.

We have seen that a major way to gain that sponsorship is to perform well in meetings," they write in their report.

Here's how they suggest rectifying the situation:

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"Those are a set of skills and behaviours for meetings that not a lot has been written about. They can be developed and help women. In fact, many men have told me they're helpful to them as well," concludes Ms. Heath.

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter