Bryant University Professor Michael Roberto notes that Abraham Lincoln spent months letting his cabinet debate if and when slavery should be abolished. Once he decided to move ahead with emancipation, he asked for their views on how to implement it. In other words, he sought opinions, listened, made the decision, and kept his team involved in working out the details. Professor Michael Roberto's Blog

Don't confuse Facebook with mass media

For business, Facebook is a mirage, says advertising wizard Roy Williams: While it is great for connecting people, Facebook can't be successfully used by a physically existing business as a substitute for mass media. "I defy you to find [such a] business that enjoyed success prior to 2003 that is now reducing its mass-media budget because it has found Facebook to be a more effective use of ad dollars," he insists. Monday Morning Memo

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Find the right person, then describe the job

To take the stress out of your hiring process, consultant Ron Edmondson suggests setting a vision for the job, hiring the best person, and then fine-tuning the job description around that person. If the person excels in administrative tasks, put more of those in the job description. Find the right people and shape your team around them.

Share good stories about your customers

Enhancing your team's attitudes about customer service can begin at staff meetings: Have them share stories about their favourite customers, says Calgary-based consultant Jeff Mowatt. Compliments rather than complaints set the right tone. Jeff Mowatt's Ezine

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Check your computer for excess software

Should I Remove It is a free app for Windows that scans your computer to see what software it houses and then gives recommendations on which ones (some of which have may have been downloaded accidentally) you might want to remove, with an explanation of what the program does.

Special to The Globe and Mail

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter